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hi guys ! im back

hi . how you guys doing ? good ? 

i have a lot of things to say but yeah . i tahu takde orang akan baca so thats why im here . 

banyak benda yang jadi during my studies . especially pasal kawan . most of you guys lalui benda yang sama jugak . ok dekat college ni you akan jumpa banyak jenis manusia + perangai pun lain2 . kadang ada yang nak dia betul je all the time and like they know every single thing . so the only way to layan these kind of people is bagi diorang menang . buat macam you ni taktau apa2 . 

sometimes you rasa yang you jumpa a few people yang you boleh percaya , but end up belakang you diorang kutuk macam2 . pastu depan kita kemain baik , pijak semut pun tak mati lah . 

so this is my last sem in ACESM . im glad that im not too attached with people . most of the time i duduk sorang je . but ofc i have a few friends yang boleh dipercayai . you know who you are okay ? i dont wanna talk about love . love next time okay ? 

so macam mana jahatnya orang tu , you tak payah la susah2 nak balas balik apa yang diorang buat ok ? biar Allah yang balas perbuatan diorang . 


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